Monday, August 18, 2008

a quick update!

I know...I've been really bad about updating the blog. I have a bunch of photos that need to be posted, but just haven't had time. I still also need to get copies of the photos to those who were in town in June. Yikes! I'll try to get those out in the next few weeks!

Brian has hit the "Terrible Twos". Tells Daddy to "shuup daddy", says "no" on a regular basis, "I help" (even when you DON'T want his help!). He also has gone potty on the big boy potty 1 time. Even told us that he had to poop. So, looks like we are starting to potty train! He loves to read...favorite books are "No, David!", "David Gets in Trouble" and "How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food" (A.K.A. "roar book"). He will bring those to you and have you read them multiple times to him. He still loves to watch the movie "Cars" and the tv show "Curious George". He is just getting over folliculitis (infected hair follicles). Not really bothering him, just looked like a rash and caused some concern at daycare that it was contagious and my Mom thought it was chicken pox (he's had the vaccine and I just found out that I'm NOT immune to them!! LOVELY! I hope I am not around anyone who gets them!)

Here are a couple of photos that were taken of him at a studio a couple of weeks ago. Mom wanted a generational photo taken so that was her and Grandma's Mother's Day gift. B would not cooperate for the group (I had to hold him down) but these individuals turned out pretty good. I'll have to post the group ones later.

and a final photo just for is Papa (my Dad) around the same age as Brian..see a similarity??

Saturday, July 5, 2008

part 2 of 4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!

Rob, Brian and I spent the late afternoon/evening in Granite City. Brian got to play in the pool again, which he LOVES! I wanted to go to the fireworks, but Rob didn't think he'd like it too much yet. I don't know...he liked the ones he saw on the ride home.

Papa, stop shooting me with that squirt gun!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

part 2 of playing with cousins...

Blogger never lets me add more that 5 photos a here are the rest from the bbq at Uncle Tom and Aunt Vilma's.

Drew, Brian and Logan

Uncle Tom with Lawson, Logan Drew and Payton

Tommy with Lawson


another visit with cousins

Aunt Vilma and Uncle Tom had a spur of the moment bbq tonight. Tommy, Candi and the boys were going to be heading back to Kansas and then on to Shrieveport, Louisiana (their next assignment) on Fri. The kids had a great time playing in the pool! We also sang "Happy Birthday" to Uncle Tom since his 60th Birthday was on Thurs.

Brian with Lawson



Lawson again

at the park

Brian was missing Daddy really bad and his behavior showed. (He managed to tear the back off of one of his boardbooks!) I decided he HAD to get out and run around. Since we don't have a swingset, I decided to take him to the park. Here are some of the photos I took.

Monday, June 23, 2008

just 1 more...

Payton and Drew

a few more from Sunday

Emma and Hannah

Elena with her baby, Sarah

Eric with Logan, Drew and Brian

Eric with Payton and Drew

here are some more photos from Sunday...Blogger will only let me add 5 photos to a post..

a few from the weekend...

The Miner side of the family was together over the weekend. Tom & Candi's youngest son and Chad & Emma's daughter were baptized on Sunday. These are some of the photos I snapped at lunch.

I didn't take my camera on Saturday to the Walk for the Cure. Rob took my little point and shoot camera and I didn't feel like dragging the big camera with me. Brian did pretty good considering he was in the stroller from 8am to 10:30 am! I found out that he can reach behind him and get stuff out of the basket behind him.

Logan and Drew

Hannah and Chad

Payton, Drew and Brian (Brian hugged Drew on his own)

Candi, Emma and Hannah

Monday, June 16, 2008

just a couple more...

here are the rest of Biker Brian...

Biker Brian

We barbqued for Vera, Wayne, Kathy, Mom, Dad, Grandma, Brenden, Rob, Brian and I. A housefull, but we had a good time. Brenden went out to ride his bike and Brian stood at the window and door watching him. Kathy took B out to play as well and I was called to see what B was up to...this is what I found...

Then, Brenden and Kathy decided to let Brian try riding this motorized cop motorcycle. It had been Brenden's and we cleaned it up for Brian as part of his Christmas this past year. We've tried to get him to ride it before, but he'd only cry. Last night he had a blast! Here is the proof... (wish we would have grabbed the video camera! He laughed and squealed like crazy!)

wish I would have gotten a shot of his face here!!

Have a great week! This coming Saturday Brian and I are walking in the Race For the Cure with Elena, Candi and Emma. (I believe the kids are also going to be with them) while Tom, Chad and Eric are running in the race. I hope Brian stays in the stroller!

While we are doing this, Rob is headed to Orlando for a week-long Cisco Conference. He's also taking one of his certification tests so he's been busy trying to study the last few days.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!

I had to take Brian with me to pick up cards for Father's Day. Well, he LOVES the ones that play music! In fact, he thinks that ALL cards play music! He found cards for Daddy and Papa. Well, the one for Papa needed a picture as well. So, after much work I managed to get this..

Hope you all have a great Father's Day!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Back from Newport Beach, California

Back from a great trip to Newport Beach! Since Rob had to go to the Balboa Bay Yacht Club and Resort for business, I got to go on one of his frequent flier tickets. Brian stayed with Nana and Papa and had an equally great time. He even told Papa to go to the corner when Papa shot him with a squirt gun! (Don't know where he got that....we give him time out, but not in the corner!) We would have loved to have seen it! I've had a chance to get a few of the photos ready for the blog. Since Rob didn't have to really be there until Sunday night we decided to leave early and go Friday night. This gave us some time to do a little sight-seeing on Saturday and Sunday before he had to meet with hotel people on Monday and Tuesday. Rob wanted to go to the Queen Mary and the Russian Scorpion submarine so we did that on Saturday. Took the Pacific Coast Highway 1 up to Long Beach and we both ended up sunburned on our faces since we had the sunroof open! (It was great weather...alot cooler than what it was in St. Louis. Mid 70's was the high) Then Sunday I wanted to go to the Mission at San Juan Capistrano. We also enjoyed some dinners out and was able to go to a movie. Something we haven't done since our anniversary last May.
Here are a few of the photos I took... These were all taken at the Mission at San Juan Capistrano on Sunday.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

too long between updates!

Hi...I know. It's been almost 2 (!!) months since I last updated the blog. The last few months have been busy. Between Easter, Mother's Day, work, Rob's work (and travels) the time has just flown! Brian is growing so fast. Hard to believe that he'll be 2 in about 6 weeks!!! BUT, he has already hit the terrible 2's. And, from what I've heard, 3's are worse than 2's. UGH! He's talking alot and learns new words every day. He's having the best time being home all day with Mommy. Though he thinks that since Mommy is home Daddy should be too. Daddy has a couple of trips coming up too. I get to go along on one of them. One of the properties is at Newport Beach, Ca. (along the coast in Orange County) so I am going with him. The company does not mind and since he has to be there on a Monday, we are leaving on a Friday night and make a weekend of it. Brian gets to spend a few days with Nana and Papa, which he will love!! Rob also has to go to Orlando for a conference, but we are staying home for that. We had talked earlier about having Brian stay with Nana and Papa and Brenden and I fly down mid week, but I wanted to go somewhere new, so we decided to not go. (I'm flying on frequent flyer reward tickets. Since Rob has racked up points for 2 and will have enough points after Orlando for yet another!) While Rob is gone, Brian and I are going to walk in the St. Louis Susan G. Komen Race/Walk for the Cure. Hope he can stay in the stroller the entire time!
Here are some recent photos of Brian...
Reading With Gee Gee

Enjoying his own bottle of water at his 1st Shriner's Circus (5/31)

watching "Curious George"

playing with his cars