Back from a great trip to Newport Beach! Since Rob had to go to the Balboa Bay Yacht Club and Resort for business, I got to go on one of his frequent flier tickets. Brian stayed with Nana and Papa and had an equally great time. He even told Papa to go to the corner when Papa shot him with a squirt gun! (Don't know where he got that....we give him time out, but not in the corner!) We would have loved to have seen it! I've had a chance to get a few of the photos ready for the blog. Since Rob didn't have to really be there until Sunday night we decided to leave early and go Friday night. This gave us some time to do a little sight-seeing on Saturday and Sunday before he had to meet with hotel people on Monday and Tuesday. Rob wanted to go to the Queen Mary and the Russian Scorpion submarine so we did that on Saturday. Took the Pacific Coast Highway 1 up to Long Beach and we both ended up sunburned on our faces since we had the sunroof open! (It was great weather...alot cooler than what it was in St. Louis. Mid 70's was the high) Then Sunday I wanted to go to the Mission at San Juan Capistrano. We also enjoyed some dinners out and was able to go to a movie. Something we haven't done since our anniversary last May.
Here are a few of the photos I took... These were all taken at the Mission at San Juan Capistrano on Sunday.

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