Hi!! I've needed to get some new photos of Brian up, BUT haven't been able to get any that are good. This weekend we were over at Papa's and Grandma's and I was able to get some good photos. I have some more to post, but they need some work done on them. So, I'm hoping while Rob is out of town Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (he will be in Boston Tuesday-Wednesday and then goes to Minneapolis Wednesday-Thursday. Will be back that evening.) I can get them done when Brian goes to sleep.
Brian was caught playing on the steps in the 1st and was eating a vanilla wafer in the other. He's running around now and understands ALOT! He'll pick up his toys (when we are getting ready to leave...wish he'd do it at HOME!!). He's also gone to the door when we've said "Do you want to go outside?" or "Let's go home!" He's also trying to repeat words. We've understood "pew", "sorry" and "dat" (that).
Hope everyone has a good week!