Monday, August 18, 2008

a quick update!

I know...I've been really bad about updating the blog. I have a bunch of photos that need to be posted, but just haven't had time. I still also need to get copies of the photos to those who were in town in June. Yikes! I'll try to get those out in the next few weeks!

Brian has hit the "Terrible Twos". Tells Daddy to "shuup daddy", says "no" on a regular basis, "I help" (even when you DON'T want his help!). He also has gone potty on the big boy potty 1 time. Even told us that he had to poop. So, looks like we are starting to potty train! He loves to read...favorite books are "No, David!", "David Gets in Trouble" and "How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food" (A.K.A. "roar book"). He will bring those to you and have you read them multiple times to him. He still loves to watch the movie "Cars" and the tv show "Curious George". He is just getting over folliculitis (infected hair follicles). Not really bothering him, just looked like a rash and caused some concern at daycare that it was contagious and my Mom thought it was chicken pox (he's had the vaccine and I just found out that I'm NOT immune to them!! LOVELY! I hope I am not around anyone who gets them!)

Here are a couple of photos that were taken of him at a studio a couple of weeks ago. Mom wanted a generational photo taken so that was her and Grandma's Mother's Day gift. B would not cooperate for the group (I had to hold him down) but these individuals turned out pretty good. I'll have to post the group ones later.

and a final photo just for is Papa (my Dad) around the same age as Brian..see a similarity??

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