Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday... We were over at Uncle Tom and Aunt Vilma's. Tom, Candi and their 2 boys (Logan (3) and Lawson (10 months) ) and Elena and Jesse were both home. Brian had fun playing with Logan. Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!!

PS- these are several of the same photo..just in black and white. I was just playing around with Photoshop. Brian was still asleep at 7am!!! :-)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

daycare picture day..

Brian's daycare had their fall picture day a few weeks ago. We got our order last Friday. So, I decided to post it up on the blog. We ordered 2 poses since the thumb one was cute. (SOOO Brian!)

Sorry I haven't posted much lately. It's not easy for me to use the computer much. Most of you know I've had problems with my left wrist all summer/fall. It seems I've torn/damaged the TFCC (just a bit about it). I am going after Thanksgiving for an MRI Arthrogram. Will find out the 4th what the next steps will be. Dr. doesn't reccomend the repairs since most who have it done regret it. We may go for another opinion. Since the pain makes it hard to do any computer related work (hard for my job since our grades are now all online!) and picking up Brian! Even the day to day stuff is difficult. Oh well...we'll just have to wait and see.

Hope all of you have a GREAT Turkey day on Thursday! Hopefully I'll get some good photos and will post them over the weekend!