Hi Everyone!
Hope all of you are doing well! Things here are going well.
Brian is growing like a weed! He had his 18 month dr. appt. on the 29th of Jan. and he is 33 almost 34 in. tall and weighs 32 lbs. He’s gone from walking to running and climbing! He has definitely joined the climbing club! Chairs, tables, toy box, TOYS(!!) anything that will allow him to stand on it, is fair game! Forget sitting on the sit and spin….lets STAND on the sit and spin!! (he has even stood on the part that is used to spin!) Any bets on when we will be making our first ER visit?!?!?! He is also is talking. You can understand most words…Oxy (Roxy, our dog), Mama, Daddy, juice (anything that he drinks), ea (eat), ball, car, bye bye, yeah, shoes (but comes out like oose), read and cracker. He also tries to say Nana…but it sounds like Mama. Papa is a little disappointed that he won’t say Papa yet. He is definitely keeping Mama and Daddy busy!!
We are looking forward to the warmer weather when we can get out and do more things. It’s getting harder to contain him in the house!!
Enjoy the photos!! Mom and Dad were here yesterday afternoon. Brian and Papa have a running game with a hat. Brian takes it off Papa and puts it on his head (though he won’t wear his own hats!). He’s recently discovered the ledge for the bay window (it’s behind our couch) and he gets up there to look out the window. The photo with him leaning on the ledge was him watching the mail truck go by. He also LOVES to play with Roxy…though she isn’t quite so sure about him. Yesterday was the 1st time she’s really played with him and they both had a good time! I wish there wasn’t so much stuff in the background…I LOVE the expression on his face! He has started to really enjoy looking at books (read) and he grabbed my book I’m reading..”This Is Your Brain On Music”…well I couldn’t resist since Daddy thinks music is “jungle racket” (ha ha) and Brian loves to dance to music. The first photo I took 2 weeks ago while Rob was out of town.
Take care!!
Hope all of you are doing well! Things here are going well.
Brian is growing like a weed! He had his 18 month dr. appt. on the 29th of Jan. and he is 33 almost 34 in. tall and weighs 32 lbs. He’s gone from walking to running and climbing! He has definitely joined the climbing club! Chairs, tables, toy box, TOYS(!!) anything that will allow him to stand on it, is fair game! Forget sitting on the sit and spin….lets STAND on the sit and spin!! (he has even stood on the part that is used to spin!) Any bets on when we will be making our first ER visit?!?!?! He is also is talking. You can understand most words…Oxy (Roxy, our dog), Mama, Daddy, juice (anything that he drinks), ea (eat), ball, car, bye bye, yeah, shoes (but comes out like oose), read and cracker. He also tries to say Nana…but it sounds like Mama. Papa is a little disappointed that he won’t say Papa yet. He is definitely keeping Mama and Daddy busy!!
We are looking forward to the warmer weather when we can get out and do more things. It’s getting harder to contain him in the house!!
Enjoy the photos!! Mom and Dad were here yesterday afternoon. Brian and Papa have a running game with a hat. Brian takes it off Papa and puts it on his head (though he won’t wear his own hats!). He’s recently discovered the ledge for the bay window (it’s behind our couch) and he gets up there to look out the window. The photo with him leaning on the ledge was him watching the mail truck go by. He also LOVES to play with Roxy…though she isn’t quite so sure about him. Yesterday was the 1st time she’s really played with him and they both had a good time! I wish there wasn’t so much stuff in the background…I LOVE the expression on his face! He has started to really enjoy looking at books (read) and he grabbed my book I’m reading..”This Is Your Brain On Music”…well I couldn’t resist since Daddy thinks music is “jungle racket” (ha ha) and Brian loves to dance to music. The first photo I took 2 weeks ago while Rob was out of town.
Take care!!
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